Friday, December 2, 2011

Holiday Shopping - Part Two

Yesterday I mentioned how difficult it was to find things not produced in the USA while Christmas shopping.

I came across an item on the ABC News website about how, if every American spent just $64 this holiday season on gifts manufactured in the United States, it would generate 200,000 jobs here at home!

You can go here and find peoples suggestions about places to shop and products to buy that have been Made In America.  You can even post where you have spent your $64 this season.

So far this season I have bought the following products "Made in America":
Drinking glasses from World Market ($28)
Paint supplies for craft projects from Orchard Supply Hardware ($40)

I know this doesn't really count as "Made in America", but at least it didn't end up in a landfill, and I didn't buy something from overseas - in fact, the mirrors were both produced in the USA in the mid-60's!

Mirrors, toys and books from Goodwill ($36)

I'll post the finished Goodwill and paint projects at a future date.

Let me know if there are any Local Purchases you have made and want to share!

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