Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Holiday Shopping - Punjammies!

I came across a site which sells the most adorable "Punjammies".

LOVE all the patterns and had the hardest time deciding which to buy - I think both my sister and my aunt would love them - but I have all of their Christmas gifts purchased for this year, so I decided to buy a pair for myself and see how the fit is, and then go back and buy more!

Punjammies are sold by International Princess Project ( intlprincess.org ) and the description on the website reads:

PUNJAMMIES™ are made by women in India rescued from forced prostitution seeking to rebuild their lives. Proceeds from the sales of PUNJAMMIES™ provide fair-trade wages, savings accounts, and holistic recovery care.

The Capri style runs about $35 and if you use the promotional code: SHAREHOPE - you get free shipping during the month of December.

I love the mission statement of this company and I am really looking forward to receiving my Punjammies!  I'll keep you posted when the arrive - 

Share Hope this Holiday Season!

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