Monday, January 2, 2012

Book Club - January 2012

First, I must apologize for my December 2011 pick - The Mermaid Chair.
I hated this book.  I thought about posting another selection, but I figured that is what book club is all about - the good and the bad.

I hated all of the characters - or maybe it was because there was zero character development!  I don't feel that I got to know any of them except on the most superficial level.  I especially hated the protagonist, Jessie Sullivan - what a drip!  She was the most weak, selfish, dull character I have come across in a while. And there was so much that could have built upon the whole "Mermaid Chair" symbolism - and again, nothing other than the most superficial of references - just like every relationship - superficial, shallow, and pointless.

If you liked this book - please let me know what I missed, because I couldn't find anything redeeming about this one at all.

Now on to (hopefully) much better things!  For January, I chose "Freedom" a novel by Jonathan Franzen who wrote The Corrections.
My kids gave this to me for Christmas last year, so I really should read it.

Let's hope that this choice is much more entertaining and thought provoking!

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