Tuesday, January 3, 2012

P.I.N.K. Method

I heard about this lifestyle regime on "Dr. Phil" and decided to give it a try.  It is specifically designed for women and promises some pretty impressive results ( pinkmethod.com ).
Very nice workbook with meal suggestions, recipes and forms to track progress.

Since I haven't been able to keep up with my Bikram yoga addiction (too expensive for me right now), I thought this would be a good way to get back on track for the new year.

I started yesterday (1/2/2012) and have already lost 3.5 lbs of water weight on the "PINK Preset".  You start each day with a "PINK Drink" and eat lean protein and veggies for your other two meals.  The exercise part doesn't start until after you finish the "Preset", so I'll let you know how the first exercise phase (there are three stages) goes in a week or so.

I'll keep checking back in with you and let you know how I'm doing!

If this is a program you are trying - let me know how you find the diet/exercise program and what results you have achieved.

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